
Seven Common Types of Pharmaceutical Fraud

March 20, 2019

The pharmaceutical industry is one of the most lucrative and fastest growing healthcare sectors in the world. With a value topping billions of dollars each year, it is little wonder that some people associated with it seek out ways to defraud insurers and patients alike. These seven crimes are among the most common types of […]

Healthcare Industry Top False Claims During 2018

March 6, 2019

Healthcare fraud is an umbrella term that covers numerous crimes committed by doctors, pharmacists, nurses, and other healthcare professionals. These offenses cost taxpayers billions of dollars each year. Federal investigators from the attorney general’s office make it a priority to swiftly bring healthcare fraudsters to justice. Last year proved especially lucrative in recouping billions of […]

Is Identity Theft a Federal Crime?

April 25, 2018

If you have questions about whether identity theft is a federal crime, the short answer is—yes, identity theft may be a federal crime. In this post, we discuss the differences between state and federal identity theft charges and the punishments for these crimes.

Understanding Texas Healthcare Fraud Laws

February 21, 2018

Healthcare fraud is considered a subcategory of standard fraud. If convicted of healthcare fraud, the defendant faces a wide range of penalties. Although healthcare fraud is considered a single type of fraud, there are various types of healthcare fraud, including health insurance fraud (such as private insurers, Medicare or Medicaid fraud), drug fraud, and medical […]

What Are the Penalties for Credit Card Abuse in Texas?

November 1, 2017

Credit and debit card abuse is considered a fraud crime in Texas. Fraud crimes usually involve a form of trickery. In credit or debit card abuse crimes, an individual takes another person’s financial account details without his or her consent, with the intent of making unauthorized purchases or removing cash from the account.