Texas Pornography Laws

November 15, 2023

Originally posted on July 27, 2016. Updated November 2023 to reflect current information. Some people have a moral objection to certain forms of pornography. They may find them in poor taste or believe that they are harmful to society. Other people object to pornography for religious reasons.

Sex Offender Registration: What Can and Can’t I Do

October 16, 2023

Publisher’s Note: Originally published June 27th, 2014. Updated October 16th, 2023, to ensure content reflects current and relevant information. Being convicted of a sex-related crime in Texas can lead to automatic, mandatory registration in the sex offender database. While the registration can often last for 10 years, or on some occasions life, recent updates indicate […]

Your Rights as a Defendant in a Criminal Case

July 17, 2023

The US Constitution and the Texas Criminal Code set out your rights as a defendant in any court of law. Many of these rights you may have heard on television police procedurals when the on-screen cop speaks the Miranda warning.