How Does Texas Treat Aggravated Kidnapping?

January 18, 2023

Texas takes kidnapping very seriously. The penalties are harsh if you are convicted. Aggravated kidnapping increases the penalties, and the statutes cover a host of aggravating circumstances that differentiate aggravated kidnapping from simple kidnapping.

How Credit Fraud Happens

January 10, 2023

According to the Federal Trade Commission, more than three-quarters of a million Americans reported new or existing credit fraud in 2019, making credit fraud the prevailing type of identity theft. The Nilson report shows losses from credit fraud were almost $28 billion in 2018, with the US losing nearly $9.5 million. 

How to Get Your Criminal Charges Dismissed

December 14, 2022

Getting your criminal charges dismissed is the preferred method of resolving a criminal case. It means the case ends favorably without the risk of a trial, where attorneys cannot control all the elements and factors of the prosecution.

How Do Protective Orders Work in Texas?

December 7, 2022

A protective order, also called a PO, is a legal tool designed to prevent harm from one individual to another individual, family, or household. While you may have heard the term “restraining order” on a TV procedural, it isn’t the same as a protective order.