Date Rape, Pt. 1: Charges and Investigations

September 7, 2016

The issue of sexual assault has become one of the most complex legal challenges of our time. As society changes, there has been a greater effort to increase awareness about sexual assault in all of its forms. This includes the type of sexual assault known as date rape.

How Multiple Crimes Are Charged and Handled

August 31, 2016

Most people are aware that being arrested and convicted of a crime in the state of Texas is a very serious matter. Even if it’s a relatively minor offense that isn’t likely to lead to jail time, a conviction will still be placed onto an offender’s criminal record. These records can follow people for years […]

How Much Should You Tell Your Lawyer?

August 24, 2016

If you have been accused of a crime, you are probably feeling anxious and worried. Whether or not you actually committed the action of which you are accused, it’s normal to feel nervous about appearing in a court of law before a judge, jury and prosecuting attorney. After all, the outcome of your legal case […]

Operation Broken Heart: Stopping Child Predators

August 17, 2016

Law enforcement agencies across the nation are engaged in a continuing effort to stop the harm caused by child predators. One of the most successful operations that has been conducted in the name of this effort is Operation Broken Heart. This widespread operation has been very successful in catching child predators in the act of […]

What to Do If Your Friend Is Arrested

August 10, 2016

It can happen at any time. You might be out on the town getting some drinks with your friend or sitting at home having a relaxing evening when you hear a knock on the door. Whatever the cause, your friend has been placed in handcuffs and escorted to the back seat of a police cruiser. […]