No one wants to be convicted for solicitation of prostitution. Soliciting prostitution just isn’t the kind of thing that belongs on an employment or education program application. When a prostitution solicitation charge is pending, it’s time to speak with a Houston area prostitution charges lawyer. Avoiding the devastating effects of a criminal record begins with an experienced solicitation crime attorney.
Depending on the jurisdiction, being arrested for the crime of soliciting another to commit prostitution generally involves a number of elements. The essence of prostitution solicitation, however, is the exchange or intent to exchange something of economic value for a sexual act of some kind. The definition of soliciting a prostitute includes any act that is related to prostitution in any way.
Willfully engaging in an act of prostitution is a prosecutable sex crime. Soliciting, facilitating or agreeing to participate in an instance of prostitution could result in arrest. Any of the following parties could be deemed liable for an act of prostitution solicitation:
Solicitation of a prostitute is a sex crime. Sex crimes in the state of Texas can result in serious sex crime penalties. In September 2021, Texas bumped up the penalties for prostitution solicitation from a misdemeanor to a state jail felony, regardless of whether it is the first offense. A defendant with a previous criminal record could see even harsher penalties. A sex crime conviction could also result in a requirement to register as a sex offender. Aside from a criminal record and incarceration time, sex crime convictions can also result in substantial financial penalties.
To be convicted of prostitution solicitation, the prosecution must prove every element of the crime. It must be shown that a defendant attempted, by engaging in some affirmative action, to engage in or promote prostitution for some economic benefit. The economic benefit can be acquisition of controlled substances or some other commodity or service that was or was intended to be exchanged for sex. The sexual act could be sexual intercourse, but it can also be another lewd act intended to arouse sexual feelings.
A criminal record and solicitation of prostitution conviction can greatly harm a defendant’s reputation, family and profession. Houston criminal attorney Brett A. Podolsky treats every client with dignity and respect. He is a Houston sex crimes lawyer who understands the prostitution solicitation laws and the best means of challenging the prosecution’s case. When a defendant’s legal rights are violated during a criminal investigation or the available evidence is sparse, it is often possible to negotiate a reduction or dismissal of the charges.
Speak with Brett A. Podolsky today by calling 713-227-0087.