federal airport crime

Federal Crimes in Airports or Airlines

April 4, 2018

After the September 11, 2001 attacks, federal and state officials have increased airport security efforts. Officials of the Airport and Transportation Security Administration (TSA) use more advanced technologies to catch those who attempt to sneak forbidden items onto airplanes, such as loaded firearms, knives, explosives, or other weapons.

Most crimes at the airport are prosecuted in state court, but some are prosecuted in federal court.

In this post, we discuss federal airport crimes such as possession of a concealed weapon, disruptive behavior, assault of an airline worker, and drug possession. Other commonly prosecuted airport-related offenses include drug smuggling, shoplifting and theft, and driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs on airport property.

Do you know someone who is facing a federal crime?
Schedule a consultation with criminal defense attorney Brett Podolsky >>