Credit card fraud and unlawful abuse is one of the most common white-collar offenses occurring every day. Most commonly, it entails using another person’s credit card for purchases without the owner’s consent. Similar to other forms of fraud, unauthorized credit card use is a serious crime, and it is punishable by law.
The minimum statutory penalties in Texas for credit card fraud include a jail sentence ranging from three months to two years and may encompass a fine of up to $10,000. If the crime is committed against an elderly person, the prison time may be extended up to 10 years in addition to a possible $10,000 fine. The penalties vary and are dependent on the severity of the crime. In many cases, the court’s decision is based on the history of previous felonies, the use of weapons and bodily injury to another while committing the offense. An offender who uses someone else’s credit card to buy 50 or more items may receive five to 99 years in prison for a felony conviction.
A conviction may also result in a criminal record that prevents the offender from obtaining employment, higher education or appropriate housing.
The credit card laws are strict, and any of the following crimes may qualify the offender for punishment:
A seasoned credit card abuse lawyer is able to closely examine the evidence and often have the charges reduced or completely dismissed. The first-time offenders without any previous criminal record may be required to learn more about the severity of the crime. Repeat offenders can have their charges minimized depending on the seriousness of their offenses.
The charges of credit card abuse are often associated with identity theft, and the laws are being adjusted accordingly as the crime is escalating globally. The stringent regulations require the knowledge and expertise of a well-trained lawyer.
If you would like more information on credit card fraud and its ramifications, or if you want to schedule a case evaluation with an aggressive lawyer, dial 713-227-0087 and talk to Brett A. Podolsky today.