Texas law says the crime of assault occurs when an individual recklessly or intentionally inflicts physical harm on another person. People may also be charged with assault for merely threatening to harm others. If the accused are alleged to have used, or threatened to use, a weapon of any kind, the charge may be heightened to aggravated assault or even assault with a deadly weapon.
The state of Texas recognizes two types of assault: misdemeanor assault and felony assault.
Assault charges can be defended successfully under a variety of conditions. It is the prosecutor’s responsibility to prove that an assault, as defined under Texas law, did in fact occur. Also, any discrepancies in witness testimonies may be sufficient enough to have the case dismissed or reduced in severity. Other defenses an experienced assault charge attorney may use include:
Assault charge defense lawyer Brett Podolsky has years of experience in all aspects of criminal law and has successfully defended hundreds of assault cases. Attorney Podolsky will personally look over the facts of your case to make sure the charges against you are justified and that the state has sufficient evidence to proceed with prosecution. You should begin your aggressive defense against assault charges by contacting Brett Podolsky today.