Pimping Charges
It’s a criminal violation to promote or profit from the services of a prostitute in Texas. An offender can also be charged with aggravated promotion for supervising, managing, controlling or investing in a prostitution operation involving two or more prostitutes. A criminal charge for compelling another person to engage in prostitution is even more serious. The use of fraud, force or threats to compel someone to engage in prostitution is a criminal offense.
Procurement Penalties
A criminal charge for pimping, promoting or compelling prostitution is punishable by incarceration and financial penalties. Pimping is a Class A misdemeanor. A pimping conviction is punishable by up to one year in jail and a maximum fine of $4,000. An aggravated promotion charge could result in a third degree felony conviction, up to 10 years in prison and a maximum fine of $10,000. Finally, a compelling prostitution conviction could yield up to 20 years in prison and a maximum fine of $10,000.
False Accusations of Selling Sex
There’s nothing worse than being charged with a crime you didn’t commit. With the assistance of your defense lawyer, you need to take the necessary steps to protect your reputation and freedom. It’s recommended that you take the following precautions as soon as you learn that you are the subject of a pimping investigation:
- You must immediately gather and secure any available physical evidence related to the ongoing criminal investigation. Items such as photographs, videos, clothing and other objects could help to prove your innocence.
- Take the time to collect any computer files, documents or other records that may have a bearing on the incident that spawned the criminal investigation. Evidence such as correspondence, emails, phone and GPS data and business records may help prove your location when the crime was committed.
- Make a comprehensive list of any evidence that is not currently in your possession.
- Make a list of witnesses that possess knowledge concerning the incident or other individuals involved in the case.
Never destroy evidence related to a criminal investigation. This will only make things worse. Remember, the prosecution must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that you committed the crime of pimping. It’s also unwise to speak with your accuser, the alleged victim or witnesses. Anything you say or do will be used by the prosecution to obtain a conviction.
Hire a Sex Crimes Lawyer
People who are prosecuted for pimping are judged by society. Individuals don’t take time to consider the facts; they just label convicted pimps as bad people. An individual convicted of pimping may lose friends and family members. The best way to avoid this hardship is to hire an experienced procurement lawyer. Reach out to Brett A. Podolsky today by calling 713.227.0087.
*Image courtesy of freedigitalphotos.net