Sex for Money
The exchange of sex for money or anything of value is prohibited in the state of Texas. In fact, prostitution is a federal offense and prohibited in every state except Nevada. Pimping and pandering laws aren’t so much concerned with the act of prostitution itself but an attempt to reduce the exploitation of the workers that make the sex trade possible.
Most states classify pimping and pandering as felony crimes. A prostitution offense, on the other hand, is generally charged as a misdemeanor. Pimping has to do with directly or indirectly receiving the earnings of a prostitute. Pandering is concerned with anyone that recruits or encourages someone to work as a prostitute.
Prostitution Intermediaries
Pimping and pandering have more to do with facilitating prostitution than the prostitute and patron that participate in the actual act of prostitution. A defendant can be convicted of pandering if they attempted to convince someone to work as a prostitute. The same defendant can also be found guilty of pimping if they intended to share in the profits.
Engaging a prostitute for personal sexual pleasure does not constitute pimping or pandering. Similarly, a sex worker has not committed pimping if they pass along the money they earned to a pimp. Under the law, merely intending to promote or receive money for facilitating an act of prostitution is grounds for conviction. It doesn’t matter whether the attempt was successful or not. Moreover, it’s not necessary for money to have exchanged hands to be charged with pimping.
Texas Sex Trade Penalties
The punishment for a prostitution related crime can be enhanced if a minor child is involved. According to the Texas Penal Code, involving a minor child under the age of 14 years is a second degree felony. Making money from or facilitating prostitution in Texas is illegal. A charge of aggravated promotion is available for anyone that invests in, controls, owns, supervises or manages an enterprise consisting of two or more prostitutes.
Using force, fraud or threats to compel someone to commit prostitution is subject to stringent penalties. The exact punishment for a pimping or pandering conviction will depend on the nature of the charge and the defendant’s previous criminal record. An aggravated prostitution conviction is a third degree felony, punishable by up to ten years in prison and a fine of no more than $10,000. A charge of compelling prostitution can result in life imprisonment if the victim was less than 18 years of age. If you have been accused of pimping or pandering charges, then get a hold of Brett A. Podolsky today by calling 713.227.0087.